If you know me at all, you know I have been bringing my own lunch since grade school. I don't drink a Coke with my lunches anymore, but now drink a nice healthy glass of water. And slim jims as a snack don't really fly either.
Depending on the week, my lunches can range from your standard cold cut sandwich, to veggie wraps, to soup, to salad. Today, I'm featuring the salad I've been making for the last few weeks. It's simple, doesn't have a ton of ingredients, or calories for that matter. This recipe isn't rocket science at all, but maybe its simplicity will give you inspiration to bring your lunch this week. Bikini season IS right around the corner after all.
I get a large container of the organic spring mix. I highly recommend getting organic lettuce, as lettuce is one of the dirty dozen vegetables. Check the date on the spring mix. It doesn't tend to last more than 5 days, so you definitely don't want to get one that says it's only good until tomorrow, because it will never last you the full work week. If you're making lunches for more than one person, you may want to pick up your spring mix at BJ's (yes, I know I single handedly keep BJ's in business with my 2 person household) because it will last you the whole week. If you're cooking for 1, the container of spring mix at your local grocer should be big enough to last you for an entire work week. And if you're cooking for more than 2, well I think you can figure it out. :-)

I typically have a Chobani yogurt as my snack with lunch (a new, recent addiction of mine). It's delicious and filling!
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