Banana smoothies for the one you love.

This past Valentine's day I made banana smoothies for the one I love, my wonderful husband, James.  These made for a good snack.  We had started the day with eggs over easy cooked in the center of toast.  Of course, I had cut out heart shapes in the middle of the bread to fry the eggs, and placed my toasted hearts on the side of the dish for 'effect'.  Nothing is too cheesy when it comes to showing my husband how much I love him.

But of course, we were hungry shortly thereafter, and I thought a healthy smoothie would hold us over until our next meal.

I fill the blender with almost a full tray of ice.  I say almost a full tray, because there's always a couple of ice cubes that are too stubborn to leave the tray.  I usually give up on getting them to leave their plastic cube home.  Then I add about a cup to a cup and a half of milk, 2 large bananas broken into pieces and start blending.  While the blender is mixing, I throw in a splash of vanilla extract.  Blend for about a minute or until all the ice has been blended, and it's time to pour this deliciousness into glasses.  This makes just enough smoothie for two tall glasses...picture your favorite beer glass, and fill it with this smoothie.  Now for the final touches.  Grab some chocolate syrup (a little won't kill you!), and make some cutesy hearts on top.  It is Valentine's day after all.  Drink up - not too fast, you don't want brain freeze!  If you feel like having a real drink, then add some rum to the blender!  Enjoy!

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