Spaghetti Squash and Meat-a-balls

It's the New Year, and weight loss may be on your mind.  Maybe you over indulged over the holidays, or maybe this is the year you really want to get in shape, or maybe you're planning to be on a beach some time in the near future and are wondering if last summer's swimsuit still fits.

Well, here is a healthy alternative to all that pasta you love to eat, and it takes about 25 minutes total to make.  So you can still eat well on little time.

  • Spaghetti squash
  • Turkey meatballs (I bought some frozen ones for the time save, but you can feel free to make them from scratch)
  • Spaghetti sauce as desired
  • Grated Parmesan cheese - if you know me, you know I re-cheese after almost every bite - good thing it's low in calories :-)
Place the meatballs and your desired sauce in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.  You're cooking the meatballs and heating up your sauce at the same time.

Pierce the spaghetti squash in multiple places.  This will avoid having the spaghetti squash explode in the microwave.  Place the squash on a wet paper towel, and cook in the microwave for 12 minutes.  Let stand for 5 minutes.  Then cut the squash lengthwise, and scoop out the gunky stuff in the middle including the seeds.  BE CAREFUL, the squash will be HOT HOT HOT.  Then, using a fork scrape the spaghetti like squash away from the skin.  Add your meatballs and sauce and you're good to go.  If there just two of you, you're in luck!  Add your meatballs and sauce right inside the squash rind for a cutesy dish!

You can also cook the squash in the oven, but you'll need to cook it for about an hour.  To do this, cut the squash lengthwise, place cut size down and bake at 350 for 60-75 minutes.  Then again, scoop out the yucky part and use a fork to remove the spaghetti squash from its skin.

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